CanU plays by the Central Park Zoo, Governors Island, and MoMA

Imagine a toy that  plant trees, supports the local economy, and develops visual and spatial thinking as you play.
That’s my vision for CanU, and as an entreprenuer I am trying to make my dream a reality. This blog will be an online journal and  scrapbook that features my thoughts, attempts, failures, and successes.

I started a Kickstarter project (8 days ago) to fund 1st edition production and raise money to start my company Happy Dinosaur. Currently the CanU Project is 14% funded with $2,104 pledged of the $15,000 goal.

To spread the word CanU is now playing around  NYC – Growing off the walls outside MoMA, building with friends outside the Central Park Zoo, on the ferry to Governors Island, and everywhere in between.

Growing on the fence outside the MoMA

Growing on the fence outside the MoMA

Building balance at Prince & Green on the way to MoMA

Building balance at Prince & Green on the way to MoMA

Today the CanU Kid was playing outside the Central Park Zoo!  CanU is a toy and a game that combines balance with structural building!

Designed for children in the pre-operational stage of development, this toy evolves with your spatial abilities and trains your inner eye to visualize and imagine. CanU is a Maple wood toy that can enables anyone to create balancing sculptures that defy gravity. In addition CanU plays well with everything from toy trains and army men to LEGO and beyond!

They Can! CanU?

Playing on the boat.

Playing with Thomas, Cubebot, and CanU!

Discover #CanU on Instagram, Twitter, and Vine.

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